Director and Pension Specialist

Frances Giliker LLB Hons APFS

Director and Workplace Pension Specialist

01782 840590

Whilst studying Law at Staffs University for 4 years and qualifying as a Solicitor, I also undertook part-time work as a Financial Adviser. It was here that I gained an interest in numbers and it prompted a change in my career. I worked as a Paraplanner for a few years and acquired the necessary qualifications to be a Financial Adviser. I qualified at 23 and was one of the youngest female advisers at the time. I have been advising ever since and became Chartered in 2018.

Chris and I were offered the great opportunity to buy the company that I was working for in 2015, and it was then that we joined forces and started Giliker Flynn.

Aside from enjoying time with my daughters and rescue dog Percy, I like to spend my spare time exercising and keeping active. I love the gym and aim to go 5 times a week.  I also have a passion for animal rights and love getting involved with animal charities.