Getting to Know Your Retirement Financial Advisor in Stoke on Trent

Getting to Know Your Retirement Financial Advisor in Stoke on Trent
Hiring a financial advisor in Stoke on Trent to deal with your upcoming retirement is one of the most important decisions you make throughout life. The transition from paid employment to retirement can be a tricky balancing act, but with advice from Giliker Flynn we can ensure you make the most of this milestone in your life.
Since 2015 the way in which you can take your pension has changed. In the past, pension holders would draw a 25% lump sum and receive a regular monthly income with the rest of the fund, either with an annuity or income drawdown. This has now changed significantly with several options for drawing your pension in retirement, which you can discuss with Giliker Flynn’s financial advisors in Stoke on Trent.
We will also be able to let you know which pension providers allow you to mix the options for your pension.
Mix Your Pension Pots Using a Financial Advisor in Stoke on Trent
Have you worked several jobs during your career? Did each have a different pension provider? You will have the option to utilise each individual sum of money differently from each provider.
Initially there’s an option to take 25% of your pension tax free. But you don’t have to take any of your pension at your selected retirement age if you don’t need to.
Your Financial Advisor in Stoke on Trent Can Help Plan for Retirement
You can access your pension funds from the age of 55, with the only exception being in the case of ill health. The scheme’s default retirement age is 65, although this can be altered if the state pension age changes.
Your financial advisor in Stoke on Trent from Giliker Flynn, can also assist with areas of your pension you may not have considered such as –
● Investing your pension into adjustable income, meaning you can get your pension as regular income – very similar to getting paid whilst working
● Paying more into your pension, meaning you will be financially secure in retirement
● Leave some of your pension in your Will
The Only Retirement Financial Adviser in Stoke on Trent You Need
The experts at Giliker Flynn bring a wealth of experience and you will benefit from a dedicated financial advisor in Stoke on Trent. Make the best of your pension fund by contacting us to discuss your requirements – start planning for the future today!